Ever wondered what having an alter ego would be like? Would he / she be the better you - the worst you? How would you cope if you were thrust into their world? How would you cope with them being in yours? How would you cope with switching between worlds and picking up the pieces of both lives after they'd buggered them up?
Harry Ford wakes from a heart attack to find his wife, Kim, at his bedside – an event that terrifies him as he knows she died nine months before in a car crash that he caused and which haunts him daily. Being told by a doctor that this memory and others are false and have been caused by the heart trauma, Harry finds hard to believe.
At home with a distinctly indifferent Kim he meets décor he doesn’t remember, a father whose friendship and support he doesn’t recognise and, when he returns to work, colleagues who look the same, but aren't. More importantly, he discovers that he is selling his company’s secret military electronics plans to a foreign power, has a mistress living in an expensive apartment that he owns and a girlfriend at his office.
Harry remembers none of this, nor does he understand why everyone calls him, Mac, and continually being told what he does remember doesn’t exist has him searching for the truth. What he finds blows his mind – and has him chasing his tail to stay alive.
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